Sunday, August 26, 2007

Good Fellowship

Today is Sunday. The day when dedicated people drag their butts outta bed to go to church. I had volunteered to be a greeter for the K -2 Sunday school class so for today, I was dedicated! After I was finished my duties, I went to the "little girls room" for a quick trip before I went to the service. In there I saw my friend who is going through chemo with her mom-in-law. She was having a moment and we decided to talk about lighter subjects in the "Westwood Cafe", our church's coffee corner. We very rarely get to catch up due to the busyness of our lives (mostly hers). I must say that I needed that more than I needed to go to church. (Sorry Mel!) Adult conversation is as rare as ... hens teeth around here. I'm really feeling the end of summer and so are the kids. We are a little short tempered with each other. The weather hasn't been great and my energy has been low. In short, WE ARE READY FOR SCHOOL!!! I do believe that after this morning's fellowship I will make it!!!!!!!!!!


Sherry Toninato said...
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Sherry Toninato said...

I loved our fellowship just as much as you did. Isn't it funny how God knows exactly what we need and exactly when we need it. You are a steadfast and -believe it or not- a patient friend. I appreciate your friendship so much...Love ya.