Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Spring Break

Hello my loyal reader/s! Life has been either busy or boring, it's up to you to decide. Spring break is here and almost over. I must say, school is looking better and better every day. Last week we went to see my parents and hopefully ski. Well, the first day we were there it was -22 on the hill so we didn't go. Tuesday was about the same. Wednesday was a busy day for me so I couldn't ski that day. Thursday we finally went. Visibility was minimal and skiing was expensive. I bought equipment and bunny hill tickets for Michael and Jonathan. Dad and Connie (his sister) helped them ski. Michael finally was getting the feel of it by the end of the day. It was thrilling Thursday on the hill so we got free appies and Michael won a draw and got a free 'Rayz' tee shirt and a lanyard. It topped his day off! I must admit, it was exciting.
Friday I was planning on staying since Paul wasn't due home until Sunday. Around 2:00 pm I get a call at mom's and it's Paul. He had come home early and was going to surprise me and I wasn't even there. So we packed up in about an hour and were home by 7:30. It was good to be home for sure.
Paul took me out for supper on Monday night. He even went to a shusi bar just for me! That is a really big thing for him. He doesn't see what is the big deal about eating raw fish on tasteless rice wrapped in seaweed! Put that way I understand, but I still really like it!
Not much has happened since then. We went to look at pianos and found a great deal but ... arrrggg! I need to win the lottery! Tough thing to do since I haven't bought a ticket! I keep hoping for a rrrrroll up the rrrrim!

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