Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Happy Birthday Boys!

Today my babies turned 6! What a day! They woke me up with a bang. No seriously, they have this infernal habit of slamming their bathroom door about 30 minutes before I need to wake up. Well, I guess it provides me the opportunity to wake up and make a decision to be cheerful anyway. They didn't have school today and were quite happy to play with their new Transformers.
I made them a pirate cake which I will post a picture when I figure out how! They chose lasagna for supper, Paul will be thrilled. Our good friends, Barbara and Heather will be joining us for dinner. Good times.
Mostly, I can't wait until bedtime. But first I need to go to the church to practise for Sunday morning. There is no rest for the wicked! Maybe tonight I will go to bed at a decent hour so I won't have to drag my butt around. Maybe I can get out in the crisp, -30 degree weather and walk the poor dog. But then there is that gift certificate for the spa... hmmm, such decisions! There's also the class cake to make for the twins... so much for the spa! That cake will be a space ship that goes along with the unit this month.
The kids are all sleeping peacefully and I am headed there too. Night everyone.

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